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Pearlized Mohawk Logarithmic Evolutionary Skull




For a very long time I have thought a pearlescent cranium would embide me, or anyone actually, with the ability to be not just a clear thinker, but an evolved being, one intellectually and spiritually superior. Thanks to the recent discovery of several new particles, we are closer to understanding not only the true nature of matter, but even time travel. Were we able to take advantage of time travel and get to the future, one of the things we might discover is this relic of the evolution of the human species, where not only has the cranium evolved into a pearlized state, but enlarged and chambered to accomodate the larger, more segmented brain of the future. Known as the Pearl Mohawk, the nautilus like feature of the skull of the future is chambered to hold new evolutionary brain segments. Within each of the segments is a slender tube which allows a newly  developed brain feature of a siphuncle, which passes through each segment which can not only address the core memory of each segment, but assist in combining functions dispersed among the segments to assist in complex thought and balance, bringing on new functionality to previously unknown muscle groups. Also included in these documentary photo's, are a rae example where a similar cranium has been inhabited by its original species Resulting in a humanoid nautilus, an amazing mix of species and form.


X-Ray of Pearlized Mohawk Skull

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