Paintings inspired by Love
Love is the Answer Oil on Canvas , 12"x9" 12/2020
The Alchemy of Love Oil on Canvas 32"x24" 3/2021
The Oxytocin Harp 3D Holographic Lenticular 18" x 24" 6/2021
This series of paintings is based on love.and the feelings it elicits. The electro chemical reactions to love in the brain, and the desire it causes.
We are here to evolve, learn, accomplish, inspire, and create. There are combinations of these elements that give us drive and will. No matter where we come from, what our status is, intellectual prowess, or position in life, I feel there is one more thing beyond the elements that makes most of us the same. Love. Beyond all the distractions and glamour, pain, and suffering, I feel we all want to love and be loved. I'll close this book with the wish that you have love in your life and heart and that it attracts the love you deserve.
"Love is the Answer" is the first of the series and depicts the love of a couple as they affectionately lean towards echother.They are formed simply by the archway the defines day from night. A golden film that seperates the dark from the light. Their love is universal and exists in the complexity that is the world around us. Each thermal whisp in the space time of the scene is executed to visulaize the wondrous complexity of even the most simple landscape. Know that the same complex fluidity flows within and throughout the space between your molecules, with each complex pocket formed dby the movement of temperature and corpuscular movement. The world around us is a wondrous place, but just behind the verneer of our senses, lies a world beyond the dreams of most.

Love is the Answer Oil on Canvas 12"x9" Louis Markoya - 2020

Love is the Answer is based on the tiny painting to the left, which has been brought to visualization utilizing the very latest in Neural software and deep dreams.
That painting which I did long ago was based on a combination of two Dali works shown below, Couple with Heads full of Clouds and Architectural Reminiscence of Millets Angelus.

THe Alchemy of Love Oil on Canvas, 32"x24" 3/2021
Photos and Articles from my time working with Salvador Dali
Photo's During Dali

Finding the space helmet TV in a local store there was only one thing I could think of, making a cybernetic bride, her head full of 13 channels of news, shows and movies. Painting the full mannikin silver to match the exterior of the television completed the look. The silver decapitated mannikin head was later presented to Dali and Gala in the King Cole Bar with a red latex rubber lobster attached to its top as a centerpiece. A second latex lobster was presented to Captain Beefheart.

Sitting in front of an early set of front surface mirrors with experimental stereo data for work with Dali. I had bought a Stereo Realist camera, and was shooting props for use in Dali paintings. Set the mirrors up to test the stereo technique as to gain an understanding on achieving the best stereoscopic result....providing the maximum depth. I forgot to mention my horse shoe crab eppilets, which made me a major general of surrealism.

Wider view showing my attic studio with perspective machine on lamp pole

Contemplating the inellegence of the bumps of a Sea Urchin, I fabricated a ceramic skull which materialized the bumps in bone that appeared i the photo "Artist as a Sea Urchin"

Again reliving the intruterne memories and re-creating a famous Dali Halsman image. I appear naked on the perfection of an egg. The shot as I recall took forever because the family jewels kept creeping into view

Optical effects were a major deal in working with Dali, to that end I would scower the Edmund Scientific catalog each year and order the pieces that I felt were most promising. Dali loved these arrays as he felt they allowed him to see the world as a fly would....and we all know how he loved the antigravitationl fly

A second lenticular array wth me holding my favorite cane at the time. Dali would ask for this cane, which was real gold, and a present, probably 3 times a week. Even though it was inscribed with my name!!! I ended up giving Dali 2 canes from my collection that he begged for, one was an acrylic light up cane that he delighted in, the second had a lens and an image of an unknown woman in the lensed cap.

Another Dalinian pose and me painting in velvet

Contact sheet from the shots taken at a Dali Press Conference on Cloning. Mostly of Dali and I, who shared the spotlight on this occasion, and then Albert Fields, Dali's work registrar, and a woman I don't remember. This was a particularly rare occasion as Gala actually was quite friendly to me and sat on my lap, to which Dali got really upset as I was not worthy of being Gala's chair

Opening of The Dali Hologram Room at Knoedlers. The only shot I took as I was so busy helping with the exhibit setup, even during openinig day

Another shot with my silver TV headed muse. I believe this work predated famed video artist Nam June Paik for such a design...

Pose taken from a great Dali painting Impression of Africa. In my studio. In the background is an interesting was a drawing of a breast, shaded carefully so to give an entirely different view through each of the fesnel lens's in the array placed above it.

Here is the Homage in progress, with the Rowlux taped to boards to see how the 3D effect of the fly's glow was working

I only had a few enlargements from the artists contact sheet seen earlier, I have a few 11x14 enlargements signed, but I think these few images give a feeling for Dali's and my working relationship

For this Press Conference, Dali had me do research for Cloning. While the 10 Secret Recipes for Immortality had just been completed, Dali wanted to know everything about cloning. I got what books were available, went to some local colleges and was discussing some of the findings here. Though cloning a carrot was state of the art at the time, Dali announced he would become immortal through the method...perhaps someday, somene will try

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter. The Butterfly work behind me in this case is actually a Dali, and not mine as reported in the article

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.

These articles represent a sample of the news items that appeared on or about me when I was working with Dali or shortly thereafter.