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The Archetectural Aspects of Buddha's Head, Stairway to Heaven

Did you know that inside the Buddha's head lies a renaissance cupola?

Just as I took you under the crust of Dali's Basket of Bread, here this sculpture object takes you under the skin of the Buddha. The renaissance cupola was often used in cathedrals and palaces to emulate heaven. Here the form is used as the heaven residing in the Buddha's mind. The large Swarovski ball suspended in the center of the cupola acts as both the Buddha's Bindi, when viewed from the front though the central arch, and the Diamond Mind of Buddha from all views. 

While most are hard to see in these photos, seven beautiful pieces of Swarovski crystal reside within the geometry of the head and symbolise several of Buddhism's principle teachings. Just above the three arches in the rear view reside 2 triangular crystals and the Diamond Mind ball. These three sections of the architectural design and in particular, these three crystals are symbolic of Buddhism's Three Jewels.

The Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures,  or most commonly the Triple Gem , are the three things that Buddhists take refuge in, and look toward for guidance, in the process known as taking refuge.

The Three Jewels are:
• Buddha
  The historical Buddha or the Buddha nature —the ideal or highest spiritual potential that exists within all beings;
• Dharma
The teachings of the Buddha, the path to Enlightenment.
• Sangha
The community of those who have attained enlightenment, who may help a practicing

In the front of the Buddha, in the four archways that reside on the sides of the face are four square four sided Swarovski crystals. They reside just inside the skin of Buddha. There are a few significant teachings in Buddhism which come in fours but the two most revered are The Four Noble Truths and The Four Immeasurables

The Four Noble Truths

The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central to the teachings of Buddhism, and are said to provide a conceptual framework for Buddhist thought. These four truths explain the nature of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, dissatisfaction), its causes, and how it can be overcome. The four truths are:
1. The truth of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, dissatisfaction)
2. The truth of the origin of dukkha
3. The truth of the cessation of dukkha
4. The truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha
The Four â€‹Immeasurable's
1. May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,
2. May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,
3. May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering,
4. May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment and anger.

The next acrhitectural detail with significance is the split staircase that merges into one. This simply represents the two paths to knowledge, which become one on the path to the Diamond Mind, Stairway to Heaven.

I dedicate this piece to my wife who makes me try to be better in every way

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